Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)

Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)


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Warriors of the Rainbow Seediq Bale Part I 賽德克巴萊上集太陽旗 2011 (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)

Cast : Lin Qing Tai, Ma Zhi Xiang, Ando Masanobu, Vivian Husan
Director : John Woo
Language: Japanese, Seediq
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Format : NTSC
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD
Release Date : 2012-04-18     war action

Usually ships within 4 days with TRACKING NUMBER and ships by Hong Kong Post.


Some eighty years ago, in the mountains of Taiwan, two races clashed in defense of their faiths. One race believed in rainbows, the other believed in the sun. Neither side, realized that they both believed in the same sky.

賽德克,一個位於台灣山區、信仰彩虹的民族,他們居 住在山嵐繚繞的世外桃源,過著生態平衡的生活,族裡馬赫 坡社出了一位英雄人物—馬赫坡社頭目之子莫那魯道,首度 「出草」獵回異族人頭而聲名大噪,自此各部落間無人不曉 這個名字。但好景不長,日治時代的來臨,賽德克族被迫改 變原本生活,多數族裡男人搬木服勞役,而女人淪為幫傭, 眼看祖先辛苦建立的家園和獵場,在日方統治下逐漸消失, 感到痛心的莫那魯道,內心深信祖靈訓示,唯有在自己的獵 場,通過重重的試煉,在臉上紋上驕傲的印記,成為真正的 賽德克人,在死後才能走上讓祖靈認同的彩虹橋。

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China