The Emperors Shadow 秦頌 1996 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

The Emperors Shadow 秦頌 1996 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
The Emperors Shadow 秦頌 1996 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
The Emperors Shadow 秦頌 1996 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
The Emperors Shadow 秦頌 1996 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)


Availability: 2 in stock

The Emperors Shadow 秦頌 1996 (Mandarin Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Cast :  Jiang Wen, Ge You, Xu Qing
Director : Zhou Xiaowen
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles : English ,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Duration : 130 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : dts HD MA 5.1
Release Date : 2020-05-20
Publisher : CN Entertainment    war 

Usually ships within 3 days with TRACKING NUMBER and ships by Hong Kong Post.


The Emperor's Shadow tells the story of two boys, raised at the same breast as foster brothers. One becomes emperor--the founder of China's Qin Dynasty, circa 200 B.C. The other becomes his court composer, more or less over his own dead body.

天子, 作為一朝之主, 萬民之王, 黃土地上就數他最位 高權重, 要風得風, 上至將領, 下至蟻民, 遠至敵虜, 近至 親友, 也只是一群活在他影子下, 任他擺佈的棋子罷, 但再 卑微的, 都總有叛逆之心, 任憑他們外表看來, 是那樣的逆 來順受由主宰與受制促成之惡性循環, 天子或棋子, 恐怕誰 也走不出來。