Once Upon A Time In China 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 1977 Remastered with English Sub (Region A)

Once Upon A Time In China 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 1977 Remastered with English Sub (Region A)
Once Upon A Time In China 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 1977 Remastered with English Sub (Region A)
Once Upon A Time In China 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 1977 Remastered with English Sub (Region A)
Once Upon A Time In China 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 1977 Remastered with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

Once Upon A Time In China  黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 1977 Remastered with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Jet Li, Rosamund Kwan, Xiong Xin Xin
Director : Sammo Hung
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese,
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD 7.1
Duration : 99 mins
Release Date : 2021-07-28
Publisher : Kam and Ronson

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Legendary Chinese hero Wong Fei-Hung (Jet Li) takes a new venture in this Once Upon a Time in China series. Together with his finance Aunt Yee and disciple Seven, he traveled to the wild America West to visit disciple So who opened a Bo Chi Lam branch there. However, the trio had an accident. Wong lost his memory but was lucky to saved by an aboriginal tribe. In a combat helping the Indian its defeat their rivals, Wong retrieved his his memory. Meanwhile…..

清末民初,廣東省民團教頭黃飛鴻(李連杰)在廣州設立寶芝林 館,與一班 弟子鋤強扶弱,發揚中 華武術.其精通英語的弟子牙刷蘇(陳國邦)亦於舊金山開分館,遂 將中華國術 發揚海外,鴻決定與十 三姨(關之琳)及弟鬼腳七(熊欣欣)遠赴舊金山視察分館業務並順 利道探望蘇. 初抵西域,便發生意 外,鴻為救十三姨而墮下峽谷, 失去記憶,及後被紅番飛鷹族所 救…..