Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)

Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)
Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)


$13.80 USD 
Availability: 1 in stock

Aftershock 唐山大地震 2010 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION 3)

Cast: Chen Dao Ming, Zhang Jing Chu, Chen Jin

Director : Feng Xiao Gang 

Language : Mandarin

Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese

System : NTSC

Disc Format : DVD

Screen Format : Widescreen

Sound System : Dolby Digital

Duration : 136 mins

Release Date : 2010-09-17

Publisher : IVL HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Tangshan, 1976. Two seven-year-old twin children are buried under the rubble of the devastating earthquake. The rescue team explains to their mother, Li Yuanni, that freeing either child will almost certainly result in the death of the other. Forced to make the most difficult decision of her life, she finally chooses to save her son Fang Da, the male twin. Li Yuanni has no idea that her decision is overheard by her daughter Fang Deng, the female twin. Although she has been left behind as dead, the little girl miraculously survives for several more days before being pulled clear by another rescue team who believe that she is simply a corpse. She wakes up in the pouring rain next to the dead body of her father.

1976年,唐山,卡車司機方大強和妻子李元妮、龍鳳 胎兒女方登、 方達過著平凡幸福的生活。方大強經常出門在外,好不容易 回來一次, 姐弟倆都特別高興。7 月的一個傍晚,方大強回到了自己的 家,在社區 外的馬路上,方大強和元妮躲在卡車上親熱,突然﹘﹘地震 了。為救孩 子,方大強死了,方登和方達被同一塊樓板壓在兩邊,兩個 只能救一 個。元妮選擇了從小體弱多病的弟弟方達,而頭腦清醒的方 登聽到了母 親作出的抉擇。震後,元妮獨自撫養著兒子,選擇堅強地活 下去,劫後 餘生的方登被軍人王德清夫婦領養,進入了一個全新的世 界。母女、姐 弟從此天各一方...