The Second Woman 情謎 2012 (HK Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

The Second Woman 情謎 2012 (HK Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Second Woman 情謎 2012 (HK Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Second Woman 情謎 2012 (HK Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
The Second Woman 情謎 2012 (HK Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)


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The Second Woman 情謎 2012 (HK Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Shu Qi, Shawn Yue, Chen Shu, Lo Hoi Pang
Director : Carol Lai
Language : Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format :
Screen Format : 1080p Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD
Duration : 102 mins
Release Date : 2012-07-13
Publisher : Panorama

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Shawn Yue (Love in the Buff) is entangled in an enigmatic love triangle with Shu Qi and Shu Qi! The award-winning actress of Three Times serves up another breakthrough performance in her challenging multiple roles as a pair of twin sisters - and the characters they play in the story-within-the-story - in The Second Woman, the latest from independent writer-director Carol Lai (The Third Eye). Produced by renowned Hong Kong filmmaker Gordon Chan (Painted Skin), the erotically charged suspense thriller offers a complex and twisting tale of sibling rivalry and switched identities, which will keep audiences guessing until the very end.

Huibao (Shu Qi) and boyfriend Nan (Shawn Yue) are busy rehearsing for their theatrical troupe's new play "The Legend of Lady Plum Blossom". She is under heavy pressure as the second female lead of the play, and she falls ill just before the crucial final show of the national tour. Surprisingly, she manages to deliver a career-best performance that night to the surprise of everyone. Turns out, however, that it was actually Huibao's identical twin sister Huixiang (Shu Qi) who secretly took her place on stage and won over the audience. That fills Huibao with jealousy and suspicion, as she begins to see her sister as a serious threat to her career and even her relationship with Nan. After a confrontation between the two sisters on the seaside one stormy night, Huixiang has mysteriously disappeared while Huibao has come back a different person...

惠寶(舒淇 飾)與拍拖多年的男友阿楠(余文樂 飾)同是舞台劇演員,正為新劇《紅梅傳奇》密密排練。惠寶幾經努力終於攀上了第二女主角的位置,但偏偏在全國巡演的最後一場時突然病倒,若演出失敗,她的演藝生涯必定就此告吹。然而,在演出當晚,一切竟如奇蹟般順利,惠寶的表現更大獲好評,被形容為是她從演以來的最佳演出。

但原來當晚贏得全場熱烈掌聲的並不是惠寶,而是在全團皆不知情下代她踏上舞台的孿生姐姐惠香(舒淇 飾)。可是,惠寶並沒有感謝姐姐,反而萌起嫉妒與猜疑之心,因為她開始意識到,與她長得一模一樣、但性格更為溫柔體貼的惠香,是她演藝事業甚至愛情上的重大威脅,她更隱隱地感覺到阿楠一直背著她,與姐姐惠香有著非比尋常的關係……

為了把這段雙生孽緣弄個清楚明白,惠寶約惠香於海邊相見,在這個雷雨交加的晚上,兩姊妹如兒時般划艇出海 ── 平靜的海面突然泛起湧浪,雷聲之中傳來一陣爭吵呼救聲。那晚之後,兩姊妹當中只有一人回來,大家都說惠香失蹤了,回來的是惠寶,可是鄰居說曾接到惠香來電,而三魂不見七魄的惠寶行為怪異,令阿楠和他的好友KK兩兄妹不禁生疑,經過一番明查暗訪仍是不得要領。連串怪事的發生,令人感到兩姊妹像鬼魅般,如影隨形,陰霾不散。最詭異的是,身為男友的阿楠,甚至因雙目失明而觸覺敏銳的母親,也無法分辨回來的究竟是妹妹還是姐姐!



Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China