Rhapsody of Kidnapping 2018 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Rhapsody of Kidnapping 2018 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Cast: Eric Kwok, Justin Cheung, Jennifer Yu
Director : Paul Sze
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Full HD 1080p
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Duration : 102 mins
Release Year : 2018-05-25
Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER
Star founds Tri-Star Technology Limited and develops a water-resistant phone with his two friends, Chong and Fat Chow. They expect to sell the invention to Dong Lam Kong who is the CEO of a notable listed company to make a big fortune. However, Kong steals the idea and leaves the three young people in a huge debt. One night at a club, they encounter Kong’s wife Cheryl, and kidnap her unintentionally when they get drunk. Cheryl wakes up the next day and finds herself tied on the bed. In order to pay the debt, they also capture Kong’s daughter(Jenny), mother-in-law(Granny) and Mi Mi(Kong’s mistress) and threaten Kong to pay the ransom money. But Kong has no intention to save the girls. Therefore, all 7 of them decide to fight together against Kong…
電影講述星仔 (張建聲 飾)、肥秋 (肥腸 飾)、Eric (郭偉亮 飾) 設計新科技產品出售,沒想到突然遭到一名狡猾的上巿公司投資人江東林 (何華超 飾) 偷去他們的發明,令他們血本無歸,更欠下巨債。一次機緣巧合下三人在夜店遇到江東林的妻子Cheryl (伍詠薇 飾),四人玩至爛醉,翌日醒來Cheryl被他們五花大綁在床上,三人決定將錯就錯綁架她,逼江東林交出贖金,否則撕票。可是,江東林卻不關心妻子的死活,與情婦鬼混,於是三人又再綁架他的情婦Mimi (陳婉衡 飾)、女兒Jenny (余香凝 飾) 及其岳母 (黃文慧 飾),以為可以迫他交贖金;但江東林依然無動於衷,更主動報警及通知記者,希望他們撕票。善良的三人不僅沒殺掉四女,還細心照顧她們。四個被綁者漸漸地出現「斯德歌爾摩症候群」,和綁匪培養出奇特的感情?江東林為人喪心病狂
Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.
Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.
Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China