Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂 2012 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂 2012  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂 2012  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂 2012  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)
Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂 2012  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)


Availability: 2 in stock

Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂 2012 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Cast : Julian Cheung, Annie Liu, Liang Lie Wei
Director : Patrick Kong
Language: Canonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Duration : 106 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Format : NTSC
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby True HD 
Release Date : 2013-01-25
Distributor: Panorama (H.K)

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Inspired by a true story, it tells an implausible love experience with insanity.
Popular pastry chef Tyler acquaints with murse Bobo, and falls in love with her. Not too long before Tyler realizes Bobo is an oversensitive girlfriend; being suspicious, jealous and controlling. She keeps track on Tyler’s whereabouts 24/7, and even secretly installs a GPS system on his mobile phone to spy on his private life.

人氣西餅師傅張泰林(張智霖 飾)在偶然之下結識了俏護士鄺美寶(劉心悠 飾),外貌溫婉的她令林主動追求,二人迅即墮入愛河。林慢慢發現寶不但多疑、善妒、控制慾強,而且有輕微的暴力傾向。除了全方位24小時監視林的行蹤外,更偷偷地掌握了林的電腦、微博、Facebook和手提電話的密碼,進入他的個人世界。 林難以脫離寶這個天生愛情狂的五指山,便偷偷調查寶,卻發現她瘋狂行為背後,原來有個不為人知的秘密…