MASKED RIDER 555 20TH PARADISE 幪面超人 (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)

MASKED RIDER 555 20TH PARADISE 幪面超人  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
MASKED RIDER 555 20TH PARADISE 幪面超人  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
MASKED RIDER 555 20TH PARADISE 幪面超人  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
MASKED RIDER 555 20TH PARADISE 幪面超人  (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

MASKED RIDER 555 20TH PARADISE  幪面超人(Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)

Director : Tasaki Ryuta
Cast : Kento Handa, Yuria Haga, Rumika Fukuda
Language: Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 65 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : dts HD MA
Screen Format : 1080P High Def
Release Date : 2024-07-12
Publisher : Neofilm HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER

Mari Sonoda heads to Keitaro's cleaning shop with his nephew Jotaro and meets Naoya and Masato, who has returned. Meanwhile, Smart Brain, which has become a governmental organization, has transformed into a company aiming to annihilate all Orphnoch life, and this operation is led by Kitazaki. In order to protect the Orphnochs from extinction, Masato Kusaka fights against Smart Brain's enforcer, Reina Kurumi. Not only that, she is assisted by none other than Takumi Inui himself, who had disappeared years ago and returned as Kamen Rider NEXT Faiz to spearhead Smart Brain.... Mari and the others are confused after being attacked by the new Faiz. Why is Takumi working with Smart Brain? What has he been up to since? Their turbulent reunion marked the beginning of a new story involving Orphnochs and humanity.

草加雅人(村上幸平 飾)突然回歸,與園田真理(芳賀優里亞 飾)等人一起經營「西洋洗衣店 菊池」,暗地裡為操冥使徒提供庇護。同時,由政府重組的SMART BRAIN以北崎社長(藤田玲 飾)為首,成為視纖滅操冥使徒為目標的企業。某日,為了拯救被追捕的操冥使徒,草加與海堂直也(唐橋充 飾)變身成幪面超人Kaixa及幪面超人Delta,與SMART BRAIN的殲滅隊隊長.胡桃玲菜(福田瑠美香 飾)對戰。怎料戰鬥途中,失蹤已久的乾巧(半田健人 飾)竟突然現身,更變身成全新姿態.幪面超人NEXT Faiz,對真理對人揮戈!
為甚麼乾會成為SMART BRAIN旗下的戰士?到底他行蹤不明的數年間發生了甚麼事?混亂激戰中的重逢,將為操冥使徒與人類掀起全新故事。迎接他們的究竟會是夢的延續,抑或絕望的開始


Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China