I've Got The Blues 水底行走的人 2018 (Documentary) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

I've Got The Blues 水底行走的人 2018 (Documentary) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
I've Got The Blues 水底行走的人 2018 (Documentary) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
I've Got The Blues 水底行走的人 2018 (Documentary) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
I've Got The Blues 水底行走的人 2018 (Documentary) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)


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I've Got The Blues 水底行走的人 2018 (Documentary) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Director : Angie Chan
Cast : Wong Yan-kwai
Language : English, Cantonese, French (in parts)
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital EX
Duration : 91 mins + 14 mins (bonus)
Release Date : 2019-01-11
Publisher : Panorama (HK)

Synopsis :

Following her award-winning documentary, One Tree Three Lives on the novelist Hualing Nieh Engle, Hong Kong director Angie Chen offers another lively portrait about the artist Yank Wong. A complex man who resists definition, Wong is a painter, art director, set designer, writer, musician, and photographer, a true renaissance man who expresses his creativity in multiple forms. More than a portrait of an artist and the creative life, the film is also a high-octane cat- and – mouse game between filmmaker and subject: one tries to capture, the other evades.

黃仁逵的創作身份多面,既是本土抽象畫家,又是電影 美術指導和佈景設計,更是藍調音樂家和攝影師,創作遊走 天地,風格獨特難以歸類。透過他與陳安琪導演、朋友及家 人的互動,體驗與這樣一位活在自己的世界的藝術家相處, 是怎樣一回事。靈感的激發與觀點的衝撞並行,強大的自我 與審慎的謙卑角力,貓捉老鼠處處峰迴路轉,洞察人性之複 雜。

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China