Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1991 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1991  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1991  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1991  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)
Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1991  (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)


Availability: 2 in stock

Gorgeous 玻璃樽 1991 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region Free)

Cast: Jackie Chan, Shu Q
Director : Vincent Kok
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese,
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD 
Duration : 120  mins
Release Date : 2017-10-19
Publisher : Vicol Entertainment 

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


A romantic comedy that introduces Jackie Chan in his first romantic lead. Ah Bu (Shu Qi), a girl from a small fishing town in Taiwan, one day finds a glass bottle with a message inside. The note reads, "Do you know I'm waiting for you? Albert," with an address in Hong Kong attached. Bu, convinced this is her destiny, travels to Hong Kong to meet the mysterious Albert (Tony Leung Chiu Wai), only to find he's a gay cosmetologist who intended the note for his ex-boyfriend. But all is not lost as Ah Bu soon meets dashing multi-millionaire C.N. Chan (Jackie Chan) when she helps him ward off a gang of toughs hired by L.W. Lo (Emil Chow). Lo became Chan's enemy in their schooldays and is still out to make his life miserable. Chan, single and a bit lonely, quickly finds himself attracted to Bu. Bu discovers she likes Chan as well and that's when things become sticky for the couple. Bu's boyfriend from Taiwan comes looking for her and Lo sends Alen (Bradley James Allan), an American martial arts champion, out to kidnap Chan's new love.

愛幻想的台灣村女阿不拾得一玻璃樽,決心飛到香港追 尋浪漫。但她找到的卻是同性戀者。阿不其後邂逅子午,無 端在荒島共渡一夜,並墮入愛河;惜子午風流難改,阿不心 碎不已......