The Warrior And The Wolf 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼災記
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The Warrior And The Wolf 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 狼災記
Cast : Odagiri Joe, MaggieQ
Director : Tian Zhuang Zhuang
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 106 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital
Publisher : Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
More than two thousand years ago the Han Emperor sent his army to the far western border of China, way beyond the Gobi Desert in order to subdue rebellious tribes. It was a treacherous and inhospitable zone, where when winter comes, the land belongs to the wolves. After much war and bloodshed, Commander Lu and his men have given up the battle and begun their retreat. Trapped by a blizzard, they take refuge in a village of the ‘cursed’ Harran tribe where Lu commandeers a shack and where, initially to his distaste, he finds a beautiful but mysterious Harren widow hiding in a pit beneath it. Passion quickly overcomes their mutual distrust and suspicion, and they become lovers.., but Lu does not comprehend the great price that he will end up paying for their illicit passion...
二千多年前的中國,中原士兵被派往邊疆抵抗外敵。心 地善良的新兵 陸沈康(小田切讓飾),有一次他看見一隻幼狼,不單不殺 掉,反而 把牠養下來,將軍欣賞他的正直和勇氣而提拔了他。嚴冬令 敵我雙方 都沒法作戰,陸沈康只好領著部隊暫時住進卡雷村。夜裹, 一個年輕 的卡雷女人(MaggieQ飾)從地板下爬了出來。她跟陸沈康 一樣,是 被世界遺棄了的人,他跟她的情慾一發不可收拾,二人竟重 新找到生 命的氣息!但猛火般的熱情令他們成了野獸,那不可思議的 幻景就在荒漠裡上演了……
二千多年前的中國,中原士兵被派往邊疆抵抗外敵。心 地善良的新兵 陸沈康(小田切讓飾),有一次他看見一隻幼狼,不單不殺 掉,反而 把牠養下來,將軍欣賞他的正直和勇氣而提拔了他。嚴冬令 敵我雙方 都沒法作戰,陸沈康只好領著部隊暫時住進卡雷村。夜裹, 一個年輕 的卡雷女人(MaggieQ飾)從地板下爬了出來。她跟陸沈康 一樣,是 被世界遺棄了的人,他跟她的情慾一發不可收拾,二人竟重 新找到生 命的氣息!但猛火般的熱情令他們成了野獸,那不可思議的 幻景就在荒漠裡上演了……
Region 1: U.S., U.S. Territories, Canada, and Bermuda
Region 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt
Region 3: Southeast Asia, East Asia, including Hong Kong
Region 4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
Region 5: Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Russia, Central and South Asia, Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia
Region 6: China
Region 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt
Region 3: Southeast Asia, East Asia, including Hong Kong
Region 4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
Region 5: Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Russia, Central and South Asia, Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia
Region 6: China