The Raid 1991 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free) 財叔之橫掃千軍
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The Raid 1991(Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region Free) 財叔之橫掃千軍 (Digitally Remastered)
Cast: Dean Shek, Jacky Cheung, Fennie Yuen, Tony Leung
Director: Tsui Hark, Ching Siu Tung
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Duration: 100 mins
Disc Format: DVD
System: NTSC
Sound System: Dolby Digital 5.1
Screen Format: 16:9 Widescreen
Release Date : 2020-01-10
Distributor: CN Entertainment (H.K)
The time is 1930s. China is in a state of turmoil and flurry. The dethroned Emperor Pu-Yi establishes the Puppet State of Manchukuo in Manchuria and is in cooperation with the Japanese in the test for a poisonous gas. The revolutionary army headed by Lieutenant Mong is designated to crush this vicious plot. During his mission, he comes across witty and valiant veteran Uncle Choy and his friends who volunteer to help. Mong keeps a view that Uncle Choy is too old to join them. How can Uncle Choy prove himself? Can Mong and Uncle Choy succeed in their mission?
三十年代的中國正處於水深火熱之中,出走的溥儀在滿 洲國成立偽滿洲政府,更與日本人合作研製化學武器。國軍 蒙中尉被派往滿洲破壞是次試驗,途中遇上自動請纓的財 叔、大鼻林、天鳳及牛精洪。蒙認為財叔年事已高,不能升 任破壞行動,每次調動,都把財叔他們安排作後勤任務。但 智勇雙全的財叔卻每在國軍遇險時,為他們解厄救困。財叔 他們的行動,引起偽政府板垣正和川島芳子的注意,雙方面 臨生死決戰,到底財叔他們能否戰勝敵人,完成使命呢?