9981 9 路冥婚 HORROR 2013 (Thai Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)

9981 9 路冥婚 HORROR 2013 (Thai Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)
9981 9 路冥婚 HORROR 2013 (Thai Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)
9981 9 路冥婚 HORROR 2013 (Thai Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)
9981 9 路冥婚 HORROR 2013 (Thai Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)


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9981 9路冥婚 HORROR 2013 (Thai Movie) BLU-RAY with Eng Sub (Region A)

Cast : Patthita Attayatomwittaya
Director : Rapeepimon Chaiyasayna, Pirun Anusuriya
Language: Thai, Cantonese
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese
Duration : 92 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System :  NTSC 
Sound System : Dolby True HD 
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD 
Release Date : 2013-07-25
Publisher : Vicol Entertainment


One morning, beautiful lady, Wipawee, wearing her white bridal gown jumped from 20th floor of apartment. The motivation of her suicide is still questioned and mysterious. It is not an ordinary suicide. There may be something behind the incident. It may involve with the bad spirits, black magic or Thai beliefs. More than anything, this incident is related to 9 other accidents unbelievably.

Either the man staying in the other side who fell in love with her, the maid, her close friend, teenage who steal her belongings, father and mother, investigation police, new tenant, and specially her boyfriend. All 9 incidents was told by 12 directors while all will reveal the mysterious and lead to the fearsome roundup.

一名待嫁的新娘小薇,著的白色婚紗從20樓公寓跳樓 自 殺,可是自殺動機不明;由於慘死街頭,無名無份,沒有宗 祀收留,冤魂只好徘徊人間。小薇為何自殺,是因為失常、 抑或冤魂纏身、或是被人下了降頭? 由12位導演串成9個故 事,掀起了她生前的生活,由她自殺前一刻說起,其他涉及 的人物包括一個送飯的少年、她住所的下一任租客、為她清 潔的女傭、她的閨中密友、暗戀她的青年、她的母親、一名 偵探及她的男支,逐步解開小薇自殺之謎…

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China