It's a Mad Mad World 富貴再逼人 1989 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

It's a Mad Mad World 富貴再逼人 1989 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Cast: : Bill Tung Biu, Lydia Shum Tin Ha, Rachel Lee
Director : Stephen Shin, Stanley Ko
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 95 mins
Release Date : 2022-02-25
Publisher : Panorama HK
Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER
In the third installment of this comedy hit, Bill (Bill Tung) and his wife (Lydia Shum) have become snobbish after they won the lottery in Canada. When they showed off their money at the bank to their friends, they lost it all during a bank robbery and had to move back to their small flat in the public housing estate, leading a miserable life. For maintaining a living for the whole family, Bill went for an audition at the TV station and ran into his ex-girlfriend, but got himself into trouble when his wife thought he was having an affair. Until one day, Bill was being notified by the bank that they will be reimbursed for the money they lost in the robbery surprisingly...
驃叔 (董驃 飾) 與驃嬸 (沈殿霞 飾) 一家中了加國彩 票回港,樂也融融,以為可住豪宅,過豪華生活,但驃嬸初為 大富,不免意氣風發,一次,當她帶朋友到銀行看鈔票時不幸 遇劫,錢財盡失,一家無奈只好搬回公共屋村。為了生計,驃 叔替舊女友(葉麗儀 飾)打工,但驃嬸誤會丈夫另有婚外情, 從此家無寧日,不幸事更接二連三。正當各人陷入絕境之際, 一個不名來電扭轉乾坤......
Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.
Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.
Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China