A Guilty Conscience 毒舌大狀 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
A Guilty Conscience 毒舌大狀 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Cast: Dayo Wong, Louise Wong, Fish Liew, Tse Kwan Ho
Director : Jack Ng
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1080p AVC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 133 mins
Release Year : 2023-07-21
Publisher : Edko HK
Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER
In a moment of irresponsible negligence, sharp-tongued barrister Adrian Lam (Dayo Wong) mishandles a child abuse case and indirectly sentences the innocent Jolene Tsang (Louise Wong) to prison for 17 years. Falling from disgrace, Adrian decides to serve the public and defend the commoners, until an unlikely opportunity for appeal surfaces. Determined to right his wrong, Adrian gathers former partners Evelyn Fong (Renci Yeung) and Prince (Ho Kai Wa) to free Jolene, but that would mean fighting against the tycoons, Victoria (Fish Liew) and Desmond Chung (Adam Pak), who also have barrister James Tung (Michael Wong) as their private consultant. With pressure from media and police…..
面對隻手遮天的權貴,子華神以三寸不爛之毒舌伸張正義!大律師林涼水(黃子華 飾)以毒舌見稱,在處理一宗全城關注的虐兒案時,他因一時自負大意而令無辜被告人曾潔兒(王丹妮 飾)蒙受17年冤獄。自此身敗名裂的林涼水只好以「旺角價錢,中環質素」的貼地服務為平民百姓打官司,直至一次翻案機會出現,他決定聯同昔日戰友方家軍大律師(楊偲泳 飾)及師爺太子(何啟華 飾)東山再起提出上訴。因案件涉及香港顯赫家族鍾念華(廖子妤 飾)及鍾京頤(栢天男 飾)夫婦,加上鍾家御用法律顧問董大狀(王敏德 飾)的下流招數,整個傳媒界、警界、以致司法界都與林涼水為敵!在勢力懸殊的法庭內,林涼水面對主控官金遠山(謝君豪 飾)的咄咄進逼,依然無畏無懼,全力以寸嘴與權貴終極舌戰,誓要為無財無勢的被告人討回公道!
Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.
Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.
Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China