The Thieves 盜賊門 2012 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)

The Thieves 盜賊門 2012  (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)
The Thieves 盜賊門 2012  (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)
The Thieves 盜賊門 2012  (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)
The Thieves 盜賊門 2012  (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)


Availability: 3 in stock

The Thieves 盜賊門 2012 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)

Director : Choi Dong-Hoon 
Cast : Kim Yun-Seok, Jeon Ji Hyun 
Language: Korean
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 136 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital
Screen Format : Widescreen
Publisher : Edko HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


In order to let things cool down from their latest heist, Popeye and his group of thieves go to Macao on a job. But the mastermind behind this job is none other than Popeye’s old partner Macao Park, who escaped with 68kg of gold several years ago on their last job together. Macao Park brought Chinese thieves as well but little did they know what Macao Park planned for each one of them......

傳說與68公斤黃金一同消聲匿跡的大盜 Macao Park (金允錫 飾)突然重出江湖招兵買馬,計劃到澳門盜取18卡 巨鑽「太陽之淚」。他邀請舊拍擋 Popeye及開鎖專家 Pepsee,加上鋼絲高手Yenicall (全智賢 飾)、賊門浪漫 新貴Zampano (金秀賢 飾)及易容高手Chewingum的加盟, 一行六人齊集香港,匯合由Chen (任達華 飾)為首的犯罪 集團。各人表面上通力合作,其實各懷鬼胎.....