The Yellow Sea 2 追擊者2黃海殺機 2011 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

The Yellow Sea 2  追擊者2黃海殺機 2011 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)


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The Yellow Sea 2 追擊者2黃海殺機 2011 (Korean Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region Free)

Director : Na Hong-Jin
Cast : Ha Jung-Woo, Kim Yun-Seok, Cho Seong-Ha
Language: Korean
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 140 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Release Date : 2012-11-30
Publisher : Panorama (H.K) action adventure

Synposis :

The Man who crossed the yellow sea, chased to the end. Gu-nam is a cab driver in Yanji City who leads a pitiful life. His wife went to Korea to earn some money 6 months ago, but he hasn't heard from her since. he plays mah-jong to make some extra cash, but his life only becomes more complicated and pathetic. One day he meets a hitman named Myun-ga and receives a proposal to turn his life around by repaying his debt, an dreuniting with his wife. All for a price of one hit.
Gu-nam crosses the yellow sea and arrives in Seoul. He prepares for his deed and looks out for his wife. However, just before he gets to make his move, his target is murdered right in front of him and he is framed for the killing. Although Gu-nam manages to flee the scene, the police are on his tarail. Not only that, the person who ordered the hit is attempting to wipe out all evidence of the crime by eliminating gu-nam as well as Myun-ga in Yanji City. Now Gu-nam is on the run for the murder he did not commit and chased by those responsible for this mess.

久南(河政佑 飾)是中國延吉市的的士司機,六個月 前他的妻子 偷渡到韓國打工賺錢,卻自此 音訊全無,只 留下高昂的簽證費讓他償還。收入卑微的久南終日出入麻雀 館,打算藉賭博一鋪翻身。 略知情況的阿棉(金允錫 飾)提議久南去韓國替他殺一個人,除了可還清債務外,又 可順道找尋妻子下落。幾經波折,久南最終渡過茫茫黃海到 達韓國。他一邊開始計劃殺人,一邊打聽妻子的下落。準備 殺人之際,目標人物卻在他眼前被殺,他則成為疑犯,被各 方人馬追擊,欲置他於死地。
陷入絕境的久南,能否扭轉局勢? 他又能否成功尋回 妻子?