SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996  (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996  (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996  (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996  (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996  (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996  (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


Availability: 2 in stock

SEX AND ZEN II 玉蒲團二之玉女心經 1996 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Cast: Li Lai Jan, Shu Qi, Elvis Tsui Kam Kong, Ben Ng
Director : Chi Man Kei
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Duration : 88 mins
Release Date : 2012-01-11
Publisher : Panorama HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Wealthy Squire Sai Moon-Kin(Xu Jin Jiang) is obsessed with sex and has an ambition to sleep with as many beautiful women as he can in a life's time. However, he is extremely strict with the virginity of his own daughter Yau (Loretta Lee). When she goes out to study, he has disguised her as a guy and installed on her a chastity device with sharp rotating blades to protect her from men's sexual approach. Yet she falls in love with a young swordsman Ironman who is pursuing the deadly demon called the Mirage Lady (Shu Qi). The demon is using her sexual power to drain peoples energy so they die. And a deadly confrontation is bound to happen when the Mirage Lady is married to Yau's brother and secretly having affair with the father...When Ironman is poisoned by a deadly aphrodisiac, Yau tries to save his life by breaking the chastity belt and soothe his sexual desires...

「財主西門堅立志淫盡天下美女,其子西門龍為白癡, 其 女西門柔渴望出外留學,西門堅迫她穿上裝有機關的"貞操 寶 甲",並女扮男裝,以避狂風浪蝶。柔同窗花道發現柔是女 兒 身,色心大起,卻被"貞操寶甲"弄傷下體,便一同前往極樂 觀 求造化道人治傷。同時,神秘女子幻姬以採陰補陽秘術玉女 心 經及身體作報酬,要求造道人為她易容。京城第一名捕鐵中 棠 趕到,欲捉拿幻姬,但來遲一步,幻姬易容後,殺掉道人並 逃 走。

幻姬化身為小翠並嫁西門龍。堅見翠色心大起,在洞房 之 夜將翠佔有,自此每晚與翠偷歡,冷落眾妻妾。四妾發現兩 人 姦情並告知二娘。當晚二娘被神秘殺害。柔認為二娘之死有 可 疑,與花道暗中驗屍,發現死因與幻姬有關。西門家兇案接 連 發生,鐵中棠到西門家,並指翠是幻姬化身,堅大怒,趕走 棠,柔不值父所為,與棠一起離去。

棠在追尋線索期間,遭堅暗算,中了烈性春藥,堅認為 棠 必死無疑。柔為救棠,用削鐵如泥的文寶刀斬開貞操寶甲, 向 他獻身。棠與柔合計誘翠現身並與之大戰,可惜棠被翠施計 殺 死,而柔則被翠蹂躪,幾乎吸盡真陰...