Kilo Two Bravo 2014 (English Movie) BLU-RAY (Region A)

Kilo Two Bravo 2014 (English Movie) BLU-RAY (Region A)
Kilo Two Bravo 2014 (English Movie) BLU-RAY (Region A)
Kilo Two Bravo 2014 (English Movie) BLU-RAY (Region A)
Kilo Two Bravo 2014 (English Movie) BLU-RAY (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

Kilo Two Bravo 2014 (English Movie) BLU-RAY (Region A)

Director : Tom Williams
Cast : David David Elliot, Kyle Scott, Mark Stanley, Robert Mitchell
Language:  English
Subtitles : English ,Traditional Chinese
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Release Date : 2016-10-07
Sound System : dts HD MA 6.1
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Duration : 108 mins
Publisher : Kam & Ronson H.K

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Jeremy Clarkson called it “quite possibly the best war film ever”. Produced by the Academy Award® winning producer of The King’s Speech, and directed by Paul Katis, Kilo Two Bravo relives the true story of a platoon tasked with neutralizing a Taliban roadblock in the Kajaki region of Afghanistan. As they close on the insurgents, the unit find themselves marooned in the middle of an active minefield, setting in motion a desperate air rescue mission that risks detonating the entire explosive terrain. This excruciatingly tense thriller depicts the heroism, courage, and survival of the brothers of Kilo Two Bravo company and tells the story of one of the most valiant rescue efforts of modern warfare.

英、美影評一致高度評價,英國名嘴Jeremy Clarkson點評為可能是史上最好的戰爭電影,由《皇上無話兒》奧斯卡金像獎監製操刀,根據倖存英軍親述經歷,故事追溯十年前阿富汗戰爭時期,英軍一小隊人馬直闖乾涸河谷,試圖摧毀塔利班路障檢查站,不料半路上誤入地雷陣,進退失據,由於無法判斷地雷的位置及引爆規律,令全隊人人自危,步步驚心。但危機遠未結束,而是伴隨著支援人數的增加而加深。地雷一個接一個爆炸,醫療用品儲備全線告急,負責救傷後送的直升機的行動失策,更令地雷陣處於更為不穩定的一觸即發狀態。整個K2B小隊靜止地抵受烈日曝曬,在孤立無援的情況下無了期苦等,並與全部人都可能犧牲的恐懼進行對抗。這真實故事,是科技尖端的現代戰爭中難得一見; 是軍人義氣勇氣以及真我性情的體現,亦是戰爭未必炮火紛飛,但殘酷無處不在的忠實寫照。


Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China