The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)

The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)
The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region A)


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The After Dinner Mysteries 推理要在晚餐後 2013 (Japanese Movie) BLU-RAY English Subtitles (Region A)

Cast : Sho Sakurai, Keiko Kitagawa, Rie Miyazawa
Director : Masato Hijikata
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Sound System : dts HD Master Audio 5.1
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Duration : 121 mins
Released Date : 2014-03-20
Publisher : Vicol Entertainment (H.K)  suspense

Synopsis :

Reiko Hosho, the Hosho conglomerate heiress, and her butler, Kageyama, board the Singapore-bound The Princess Reiko, a luxury cruise ship owned by the Hoshos. But an odd dead body is discovered onboard. Seven days until their arrival in Singapore. The murderer, cruise ship owned by the Hoshos. But an odd dead body is discovered onboard. Seven days until their arrival in Singapore. The murderer, hiding among 3,000 passengers and crew members, must be apprehended. Then another incident occurs, and another after that. “Miss Reiko, I have no clue about the truth behind this mystery.” The answer even eludes Kageyama and his brilliant mid……

《推理要在晚餐後》由千金刑警寶生麗子(北川景子飾 演)展開,她是聞名全球、坐擁無數企業的「寶生集團」千 金大小姐。工作時,麗子總是隱瞞自己的身分。然而和她搭 檔調查案件的直屬上司風祭警部(椎名桔平飾演)自己是有 錢人家的花花公子。這樣一對大少爺與千金小姐的刑警搭 檔,調查命案現場時也毫不意外總是往錯誤方向推理,麗子 回家後,總是向管家影山(櫻井翔飾演)一邊吃著晚餐一邊 閒聊當天發生的事件,而志願成為偵探的影山卻一針見血地 道出破案關鍵。

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China