Kung Fu Dunk 功夫灌籃 2007 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Kung Fu Dunk 功夫灌籃 2007 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Director : Ching Siu Tung ,Chu Yen Ping
Cast : Jay Chow, Charlene Choi, Eric Tsang, Chan Pak Lam
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 98 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : dts HD MA 7.1
Screen Format : 1080p
Released Date : 2008-05-29
Publisher : Deltamac (H.K)
Synopsis :
Jay Chou is the martial artist Fang Shijie in this stunning slam-dunk film. His talent in shooting hoops from practically any angle is applauded by a small time hustler Zhen-li (Eric Tsang). Li sees Shijie¡¦s potential and becomes his agent. Under the guise of helping Shijie, who was abandoned in the woods some 20 years ago, to find his parents, Li makes Shijie the star of a university team in playing varsity basketball. The initial hostility and objection from team captain Ting-wei (Chen Bo-Lin) and power forward Xiao-lan (Baron Chen) is soon gone when they know only with their combined strengths can they take on adversaries on the basketball court against their evil rival team.
自小練得一身好武功的少年世杰(周杰倫飾),天生擁 有異於常人的手感,時常隨意展現其技驚四座的「中投」神 技,更被詭計多多的古惑仔陳立(曾志偉飾)無意間看到, 為擁有及控制這棵搖錢樹,陳藉詞幫他尋親而騙他去「第一 大學」打籃球。
加入球隊後,世杰巧遇夢中女神莉莉(蔡卓妍飾),奈 何神女只心儀於帥極的前鋒簫嵐(陳楚河飾)。為吸引其注 意,世杰惟有不斷挑釁情敵一較高下,令球隊變成多事之 地。幸得隊長(陳柏霖飾)不斷的努力幫助,令他成功練成 超凡球技,籃球場上無論飛身入樽,還是籃板勁射皆無人能 阻,勢不可擋!
可惜風光短暫,世杰與隊友被天下最陰險最狠毒的球隊 公然挑戰,更慘被對手當成活靶般打得落花流水﹗面臨慘敗 的 世杰能否拼出潛能扭轉劣勢?
Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.
Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.
Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China