HERO 律政英雄 2015 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

HERO 律政英雄 2015  (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HERO 律政英雄 2015  (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HERO 律政英雄 2015  (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HERO 律政英雄 2015  (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HERO 律政英雄 2015  (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
HERO 律政英雄 2015  (Japanese Movie)  DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


Availability: 2 in stock

HERO 律政英雄 2015 (Japanese Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Cast: Takuya Kimura, Keiko Kitagawa, Matsu Takako
Director: Suzuki Masayuk
Language : Japanese, Cantonese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Duration : 120 mins
Release Date : 2016-02-18
Publisher : Vicol Entertainment

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Prosecutor Kohei Kuryu (Takuya Kimura) takes charge of a possible murder case implicating diplomats from the foreign embassy of Neustria. Due to the extraterritoriality involving the case, the investigation is doesn't go anywhere. A crisis then ensues. Kohei Kuryu and his office attempt to extract the truth behind the wall of the Neustrian embassy.

一名女子在紐斯特利亞大使館官坻附近被車撞倒死亡,久利生公平(木村拓哉飾)及其現任事務官麻木千佳 (北川景子飾) 前往調查。重遇前事務官雨宫舞子 (松隆子飾)已成為檢察官,並追查一宗有關黑幫賄賂案的目擊證人,而此證人竟是大使館被撞死之受害人,於是二人一起共同查案。曾經是一對親密的拍擋,久利生及雨宮聯手查案更是駕輕就熟,可是大使館以行使「治外法權」拒絕審問。雖然他們沒有放棄調查,可是外務省歐洲局長松葉圭介 (佐藤浩市飾) 出面阻撓查案,兩人面對一面不可觸及的外交高牆,最後如何把它推倒呢?還案件一個「公平」審理。 而久利生及雨宮再遇,雨宮對於多年一點沒變仍然吊兒啷噹的久利生感到不悅,兩人是否仍有發展機會?