A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場

A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場
A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3) 犯罪現場


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A Witness Out Of The Blue 2019 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles  (Region 3 )  犯罪現場

Cast :   Louis Koo, Louis Cheung, Jessica Hsuan, Cherry Ngan
Director :  Fung Chi Keung
Language: Canonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Duration : 104 mins + 25 mins bonus
Disc Format : DVD
Format : NTSC
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Release Date : 2020-01-23
Distributor: Panorama (H.K)

A man is found dead inside an apartment with a strange noise, "Help! Help!" next to the body. Detective Larry Lam (Louis Cheung) arrives at the scene with Detective Charmaine (Cherry Ngan) and his commanding officer Yip Sau Ching (Philip Keung). Yip Sau Ching is convinced the deceased, Homer Tsui (Deep Ng) is killed by his partner in crime, Sean Wong (Louis Koo) when they had a fight over how to divvy up the loot from an armed robbery 3 months ago. But Larry soon finds out the case is more complicated than they imagine and not only Sean but there are also other suspects. Larry’s only hope in cracking the case lies in the not-so-human sole witness left at the scene of the crime – a parrot which can talk.

一名珠寶劫匪伏屍工廈單位內,所有贓物不翼而飛,警 方斷定是群匪分贓不均,嫌疑最大的是匪幫首領汪新元(古 天樂 飾)。警官葉守正(姜皓文 飾)率領警員林法樑 (張繼聰 飾)及少梅(顏卓靈 飾)展開調查,確定與三 個月前的「利新珠寶劫案」有關,隨著其他劫匪相繼遇害, 林法樑逐漸發現案中有案,能夠解開「誰是兇手」這道謎題 的,就只有當日在犯罪現場目擊兇案的唯一「證人」:一隻 會說話的鸚鵡。