Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)

Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)


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Fueled: The Man They Called Pirate 海賊大亨 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)

Cast : Okada Junichi, Yoshioka Hidetaka, Sometani Shota, Suzuki Ryohei
Director : Takashi Yamazaki
Language: Japanese
Subtitles : English , Cantonese
Release Date : 2017-09-13
Duration : 145 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital
Screen Format : Widescreen
Publisher : Edko Video

    Synposis :
    Young Tetsuzo Kunioka rides out into the oil business, but is faced with numerous challenges and competitors who stand in his way. But Tetsuzo never gave up, however despairing the situation was. He always found a way and paved a new road with his unconventional ideas, eccentric actions, and most of all, his caring heart toward his own men. That style of Tetsuzo’s was not something that would ever change, even when the tides were against him in a war-lost Japan. And finally, the “incident” that would come to shake the country which was devastated from the defeat of war, occurs. With the western “majors” getting hostile with Tetsuzo, all oil transportation routes were sealed off with besiegement on an overwhelming scale. Tetsuzo makes an “insane move” to ship…..

    故事根據石油企業家出光佐三的奮鬥史改編,《海賊大亨》把人物虛構成國岡鐵造,講述他的石油王國如何由二十 世紀初艱苦打造,歷經兩戰捱到七十年代,並屹立至今。岡 田在戲中飾演這位被稱為「海賊」的企業家,他性格豪邁, 做事狠勁,廿五歲便開始買賣石油,趁當時日皇擴張版圖, 進入大陸市場,為滿州鐵道公司提供能抵禦嚴寒的車油,隨 後在上海開設油庫;戰敗後被歐美外資圍攻,竟決斷地到被 英國封鎖的伊朗採油!電影陣容鼎盛,除了岡田准一,更請 來吉岡秀隆、染谷將太、鈴木亮平、綾瀨遙、國村隼、小林 薰等日本實力派演員加盟助陣。