Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)

Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)
Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)


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Ghost In The Shell Arise Border: 2 Ghost Whispers 2013 Japanese (BLU-RAY) with English Sub (Region A)

Language: Japanese ,Cantonese
Subtitles : English, Chinese Traditional,Simplified Chinese
Duration : 56 mins + 14 mins (bonus)
Disc Format : Blu Ray 
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Advanced 96kHz Upsampling
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Release Date : 2014-05-09
Publisher : Panorama (HK)

Synopsis :

Freed from her responsibilities with the 501 Organization, Motoko Kusanagi refuses to join Aramaki of Public Security Section 9. When unknown forces hack the system of the Logicomas, Batou enlists the help of former army intelligence officer Ishikawa and former air artillery expert Borma; Motoko also seeks to enlist ace sniper Saito and undercover cop Paz. The two groups rival each other in a case involving a man who receives false memories of a refugee transport operation.

草薙素子成功地從栽培她的501機關獨立,在軍方體系 中獲得自由。但對於在背後助其一臂之力的大輔以及他的招 聘,素子卻置之不理,反而在思考組建自己部隊的事。就在 這個時候,卻有駭客入侵攻殼車的系統。為了進行調查,素 子將攻殼車運往研究室,途中卻遭到了武裝集團的攻擊。而 攻擊素子的竟然是前陸軍第一空降砲兵大隊的巴特,擅長網 路資訊分析、前陸軍情報部的石川,以及之前跟巴特同單 位、擅長特種作戰和電子戰的波瑪。巴特一行人不惜癱瘓整 個都市的交通網,也死纏素子不放;素子則和陸軍臥底探員 的帕茲,還有海軍陸戰隊的王牌狙擊手齋藤並肩展開反擊!

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China