Vietnames Horror Story 鬼咒 2022 (Vietnamese Movie) Blu-ray with English Substitles (Region A)

Vietnames Horror Story 鬼咒 2022 (Vietnamese Movie) Blu-ray with English Substitles (Region A)
Vietnames Horror Story 鬼咒 2022 (Vietnamese Movie) Blu-ray with English Substitles (Region A)
Vietnames Horror Story 鬼咒 2022 (Vietnamese Movie) Blu-ray with English Substitles (Region A)
Vietnames Horror Story 鬼咒 2022 (Vietnamese Movie) Blu-ray with English Substitles (Region A)


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Vietnames Horror Story 鬼咒 2022 (Vietnamese Movie) Blu-ray with English Substitles (Region A)

Cast: Thanh Truc Huynh, Lê Bê La, 
Can Mac, Ngoc Hiep Nguye, Kha Nhu, Tran Phong, Xuan Phuc, Trinh Tai
Director : Tran Huu Tan 
Language : Vietnames
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Wide Screen
Sound System : DTS-HD Master Audio 6.1 
Duration : 108 mins
Release Date : 2022-09-30
Publisher : Universe Digital Entertainment 

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Directed by Tran Huu Tan (Home Sweet Home), Vietnamese Horror Story tells three terrifying tales inspired by local urban legends and folklore. The blockbuster anthology interweaves three chapters about the fate of a popular actress behind a famous sugarcane girl poster, a circus magician who encounters strange things after doing magic for a child, and a psychic asked to find the remains of the dead.

2022 越南電影開畫冠軍,創下越南史上門票預售最高紀錄,首 4 天票房高達 1800 萬港元 電影取材自越南家喻戶曉的靈異怪談,令人毛骨悚然的都市傳說相互交織,揭開東南亞神秘國度的靈異鬼宇宙... 人 氣蔗汁海報女郎突然消聲匿跡,帶出女明星風光背後的悲慘命運;過氣馬戲團魔術師,破例替孩子變魔術後,開始 遇見各種離奇現象;通靈女子受託尋找亡者遺骸,卻反被厲魂糾纏... 時至今日,恐怖民間傳說仍然廣泛流傳,一不 小心冒犯神秘力量,隨時招來不速之客...

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China