SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


Availability: 2 in stock

SU MI MA SEN, LOVE 對不起,我愛你 2009 (Mandarin Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Cast : Chie Tanaka, Wu Huai-Jhong 
Director :  Lin Yu-Hsien  
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 75 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Release date : 2009
Screen Format : Letterbox 
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1
Publisher : Panorama HK

Usually ships within 5 DAYS with TRACKING NUMBER


After a miraclous success of the touching love letter story in Cape. NO. 7, Chinese-speaking Japanese actress Chie Tanaka starts her love adventure again in Sumimasen, Love ── kind of a Taiwanese version of . Chie Tanaka comes to Taiwan to study Chinese but is unexpectedly cast as the leading actress in a movie. Wu Huai-Jhong wants to be a filmmaker but he can only find a part-time projectionist job. Chie runs away from her acting work in Taipei to Southern city Kaosiung. As soon as she begins her one-day excursion, she finds her purse is lost. Huai-jhong helps her by offering her five hundred Taiwan dollars. She refuses first. Huai-Jhong believes their encounter is pre-destined. But how can he convince Chie that their fates are really crossed? It will take his wits, humors and most importantly his heart to do the magic.

「這是個緣份遊戲,一旦陷入,便無法自拔。」 場景在愛河邊。她是日本人,他是台灣人。 她掉了錢包,他借她五百元,卻要她在紙鈔上寫下自己的姓名和電話,更聲明:「如果哪天鈔票回到我手上,妳就要當我的女朋友!」 他的大膽行徑,意外地激起她心底的漣漪,但她付完帳後卻消失無蹤… 她,是田中千繪;他,是吳懷中。 田中千繪:「真希望,我也可以遇到一個對的地方,一個對的人…」

從日本到台灣學中文,卻意外成為一部電影的女主角。突來的變化讓她壓力倍增,於是逃離台北到高雄放自己一天假, 卻不小心掉了錢包,進而捲入一場從天而降的緣分遊戲。 吳懷中:「我還是一個人,不斷地守在這裡…」 渴望當電影導演,卻只能在放映院當兼職。他將心中埋藏的故事,偷偷記錄在錄音筆裡,期待有天能藉由緣分遊戲, 遇見為自己保守秘密的人。 緣份遊戲在陽光四溢的港都高雄展開,飄盪的木棉花絮蒼白如雪。或釣滷i鈔票在輾轉傳遞之下,早已註定了歸宿。