Monster Hunt 捉妖記 2015 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
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Monster Hunt 捉妖記 2015 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Cast : Eric Tsang曾志偉 Sandra Ng吳君如 Tang Wei 湯唯
Director : Raman Hui 許誠毅
Language: Cantonese , Mandarin
Subtitles : English . Traditional Chinese
Duration : 117 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : 6.1, DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital EX(TM) / THX Surround EX(TM)
Screen Format : Widescreen
Publisher : Edko Films Ltd
Release Date : 2015 -10-08
fantasy adventure
The film takes place in the distant past, where the Human race existed alongside the Monster race. They once shared the world in peace and harmony until the Humans drove the Monsters out from their home, for they sought total dominion over their lands. Recently, a civil war took place in the Monster Realm which resulted in the usurpation of the Monster King's throne from a treacherous minister, who later sought the Monster Queen and her unborn baby, and the Monster Queen fled to the Human Realm. The story begins with Song Tianyin (Jing Boran), an unnerved young village mayor who becomes pregnant with the Monster Queen's baby, and he encounters an aspiring Monster-hunter named Hua Xiaolan (Bai Baihe), and they both embarks on an adventure to protect the baby from villains of the Human and Monster worlds alike.
勇破 華語電影史上 最高票房紀錄No.1
很久以前,人與萬物共存,當中也包括妖。 但人想獨佔天下,於是人向妖宣戰,把他們趕進了深山大澤,從此人和妖劃界而治。 一天,一對神祕夫婦(曾志偉、吳君如 分飾)與懷有小妖王的妖后逃到永寧村,遇上了善良的天蔭(井柏然 飾)以及降妖少女、二錢天師小嵐(白百何 飾),天蔭更陰差陽錯下成為「孕夫」誕下小妖王胡巴。 葛千戶(鍾漢良 飾)重金懸賞小妖王。 小嵐為了得到賞金,硬拉著天蔭離開永寧村展開了一段奇幻旅程,途中遭遇大押店老闆娘(湯唯 飾)、廚子天師(姚晨 飾)等各路人物。 可愛的小妖王胡巴出生,令天蔭和小嵐關係起了奇妙變化,同時也揭發了一個重大秘密......
勇破 華語電影史上 最高票房紀錄No.1
很久以前,人與萬物共存,當中也包括妖。 但人想獨佔天下,於是人向妖宣戰,把他們趕進了深山大澤,從此人和妖劃界而治。 一天,一對神祕夫婦(曾志偉、吳君如 分飾)與懷有小妖王的妖后逃到永寧村,遇上了善良的天蔭(井柏然 飾)以及降妖少女、二錢天師小嵐(白百何 飾),天蔭更陰差陽錯下成為「孕夫」誕下小妖王胡巴。 葛千戶(鍾漢良 飾)重金懸賞小妖王。 小嵐為了得到賞金,硬拉著天蔭離開永寧村展開了一段奇幻旅程,途中遭遇大押店老闆娘(湯唯 飾)、廚子天師(姚晨 飾)等各路人物。 可愛的小妖王胡巴出生,令天蔭和小嵐關係起了奇妙變化,同時也揭發了一個重大秘密......