All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事1989 CHOW YUN FAT (BLU-RAY) with Eng Sub (Region A)

All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事1989 CHOW YUN FAT (BLU-RAY) with Eng Sub (Region A)
All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事1989 CHOW YUN FAT (BLU-RAY) with Eng Sub (Region A)
All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事1989 CHOW YUN FAT (BLU-RAY) with Eng Sub (Region A)
All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事1989 CHOW YUN FAT (BLU-RAY) with Eng Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事1989 CHOW YUN FAT (BLU-RAY) with Eng Sub (Region A)

Director : Johnnie To
Cast : Chow Yun Fat, Sylvia Chang, Ng Man Tat, Huang Kun
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 99 mins
Disc Format : Blu ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD,
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080p FULL HD , 16:9 Widecreen 1.85:1
Release Date : 2010-12-31
Publisher : Kam & Ronson Enterprises Co Ltd

The 9th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor: Chow Yun Fat
The 34th Asian Pacific Film Festival Best Supporting Actor: Hung Kun Husen

The 9th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Director
The 9th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress
The 9th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Supporting Actor

All About Ah-Long was a critical and box office hit in Hong Kong, due to Chow Yun-fat's rise to popularity as an actor at the time. Chow won his third Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor for his role in the film. The drama-based film is generally hailed as one of Johnnie To's masterpieces due to its strong storyline and the excellent portrayal of the characters. To was known as a comedy/action film maker at the time and All About Ah-Long was a showcase of his versatility.

Wong Kwan-yuen, who played Porky in the film, was really ten years old. Wong was born in 1978 and the film was launched in 1988. The film is also frequently cited as one of the milestones in Sylvia Chang's career.

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Synopsis :

Ah Long (Chow Yun Fat) is a car racing fanatic who is in love with Ah Kar. Ignoring her mother's advice, Ah Kar (Sylvia Cheung) decides to marry Ah Long. Tragic follows by this illegal car racing contest when his wife is giving birth to a baby namely Bor (Huang Kun Hsuen) in the hospital. Ah Long is put to jail. Deveived by her mother that her baby is borned dead. Ah Kar is forced to go to the States with her mother. Time flies and Bor is now 10 years old ...

阿郎(周潤發 飾)青年時為一名非常出色的賽車手,生 性風流不,後因非法賽車而入獄。阿郎出獄後一直父兼母 職,靠當工地司機撫養波仔(黃坤玄 飾),兩人相依為命。 十年過去,波波(張艾嘉 飾)回港工作重遇郎,並得悉波仔 就是當年自己誤以為夭折了的兒子。郎滿以為可以一家團 聚,惜波波一心只欲帶波仔回美國,但始終郎與波仔父子情 深,波波無奈交還波仔予郎照顧。郎為了尋回自我,決定重 踏賽車跑道。比賽途中,郎的電單車卻突然失控……

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China