Keep Calm and Be A Superstar 卧底巨星 2017(Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Keep Calm and Be A Superstar 卧底巨星 2017(Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Keep Calm and Be A Superstar 卧底巨星 2017(Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Keep Calm and Be A Superstar 卧底巨星 2017(Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)
Keep Calm and Be A Superstar 卧底巨星 2017(Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 1 in stock

Keep Calm and Be A Superstar 卧底巨星 2017(Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY
with English Sub (Region A)

Cast : Eason Chan , Li Rong Hao, Li Yi Tong ,Hui Siu Hung
Director :  Vincent Kok
Language :  Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles :  English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Full HD 1080p
Sound System :  Dolby Digital EX(TM)
Duration : 98 mins
Release Year : 2018

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


ZHU (Ronghao LI) from China, as a huge fan of Hong Kong cinema, has always dreamt of become a cop like in the movies, who unfortunately fails the fitness exam in China’s Police Force selection because of asthma. Zhu settles for the next best thing, working as a PI (private investigator).

When he is working a case in Hong Kong, he falls into the hands of the Hong Kong Police, and is coerced into becoming an undercover informant, to investigate the international action movie star, Zhu’s hero, BAO (Eason CHAN)! According to a tip-off, Bao has been interacting closely with the renowned Thai drug lord, EIGHT-FACED BUDDHA (Jifeng ZHENG), and they are suspected of using movie-making as the front for trafficking.

Zhu is so determined to clear his idol’s name, he accepts the mission and starts investigating by joining the film crew. As Zhu gets closer to his idol, he realizes that Bao’s fierceness and talents are all movie magic, while the real Bao is a man with inferior smartness and kung-fu skills to the characters he plays.

After finally gets into Bao’s inner social-circle, with Zhu becoming a superstar with a supporting role in Bao’s movie, Zhu discovers the big secret behind Bao’s dealing with the Eight-Faced Buddha and his role as the Police’s informant is in danger of being blown…

鐵柱 (李榮浩 飾) 一直是港產警匪片的鐵粉,從小就立志要當個除暴安良的好公安,可惜因患有哮喘而無法投考紀律部隊,惟有成為一個私家偵探。他接了案子,來香港揭開一個整容明星的真面目,沒想到被香港警方威迫利誘參與一項臥底任務 - 調查他的偶像、國際武打巨星元\ (陳奕迅 飾)!根據線報,元\偵P綽號八面佛的泰國冰王 (鄭冀峰 飾) 過從甚密,警方懷疑他們透過拍戲進行不法勾當!鐵柱為還偶像清白,接受任務潛入劇組,沒想過在鏡頭前是個大英雄的元\陛A事實上只是個武\奶E流的土豪,叫他相當失望。為了查案,鐵柱多次誤打誤撞下勇救\鬼禲A被他當成心腹,不但被力捧做電影新星,更得到接近八面佛的機會!真相愈來愈近,鐵柱要在友誼與正義間作出抉擇,然而臥底身份也隨時穿幫?

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China