Grand Collection Of Swordsman 東方不敗 李連杰 (珍藏系列電影) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION FREE)

Grand Collection Of Swordsman 東方不敗 李連杰 (珍藏系列電影) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION FREE)
Grand Collection Of Swordsman 東方不敗 李連杰 (珍藏系列電影) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION FREE)
Grand Collection Of Swordsman 東方不敗 李連杰 (珍藏系列電影) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION FREE)
Grand Collection Of Swordsman 東方不敗 李連杰 (珍藏系列電影) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION FREE)


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Grand Collection Of Swordsman 東方不敗 李連杰 (珍藏系列電影) DVD ENGLISH SUBTITLES (REGION FREE)

Cast : Jet Li 李連杰、Brigitte Lin、Joey Wang
Director : Ching Siu Tung 程小東
Language : Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : DTS Surround 5.1
Duration : 109 + 98 mins
Release Year : 2005
Publisher : CN Entertainment

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


笑傲江湖 II:東方不敗  Swordsman II

Ling, a young swordman, discovers that The Sun Moon Sect has undergone drastic upheaval. The Chief of the Sect, Master Wu, has been usurped by a subordinate, Fong the Invisible, who hungers for absolute power. Fong is also upgrading his Martial Arts by pratising the Sacred Scroll which makes him become more and more feminine. Ling decides to destroy Fong's ambitious plan, but unexpectedly, Fong, who has already turned to a woman, finds herself deeply attracted by Ling....  華山大弟子令狐沖與師妹往野店與任盈盈會面才得知盈及其父——日月教教主任我行同告失蹤,而右使東方不敗則暫代教主。原來野心勃勃的東方不敗獲武林秘笈葵花寶典後,不惜自宮苦練,希望一統江湖,希望一統江湖,但貌上卻越發像女人模樣。一日令與東相遇,旋即一見鍾情,東礙於自己是男兒身,遂命愛妾黑暗中與令纏綿,而伺機夜襲野店,把一眾華山弟子殺掉,令得知真相後,決心上黑木崖與東決一生死……

東方不敗之風雲再起 The East Is Red

Following the death of Asia the Invincible, it is the time where everyone is trying to be the ruler of all. One of them is Snow, Asia the Invincible's former lover. She is deeply in love with him and wants to reestablish the Sun Moon Sect. Meanwhile, the government dispatches Koo to investigate the death of Asia the Invincible. As the mystery unfolds, Asia the Invincible has been living as a recluse under the Black Cliff. Under Koo's persuasion, he decides to return and let people know that the real Asia the Invincible is not like the false images that others have managed to embed in their minds...... 東方不敗死後,群雄借東方不敗之名自組勢力,天下大亂,當中竟有昔日愛侶 – 雪千尋(王祖賢飾),她痴愛東方不敗以至不能自拔,欲再興日月神教。同時,錦衣衛顧長風(于榮光飾)受朝廷委派探尋東方不敗死亡之謎。原來叱吒風雲的東方不敗(林青霞飾)並沒有死去,黑木崖一役令「她」心灰意冷,故興起隱居念頭,顧長風力勸重出江湖以瓦解群雄爭霸危機,東方不敗的再起正掀起了另一個血腥風暴……