Jailbreak 殺出金邊監獄 2017 (Cambodian) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

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Jailbreak 殺出金邊監獄 2017 (Cambodian) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Director : Jimmy Henderson
Cast : Tharoth Sam, Jean-Paul Ly, Dara Our
Language : Cambodian, English & French
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby True EX
Duration : 92 mins
Release Date : 2018-05-11
Publisher : Panorama (HK)
Synopsis :
Four police officers are put on the seemingly straightforward task of escorting mob rat Playboy (Savin Philip) to a high-security prison. However, Playboy's boss Madame Butterfly (Celine Tran) has decided to snuff him out before he can snitch. When the task force gets to the prison, they're greeted with a mass jailbreak and surrounded on all sides by dangerous criminals and Madame Butterfly's underlings.
柬埔寨首部大型動作片。意大利導演 Jimmy Henderson 於2011年移居柬埔寨。由構思開始,他便打算 拍一部困在一個空間的群打片。電影以傳統柬埔寨武術作賣 點,動作部份媲美2011年印尼的《突擊死亡塔》。故事講述 警隊拘捕罪犯 Playboy,點知原來 Playboy 另有「大 佬」,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的大家姐 。為免 Playboy 洩露社團機密,大家姐懸紅追殺他,惹來 監獄一片惡鬥,各人對 Playboy 虎視眈眈。押送 Playboy 的警察加入戰團抵抗保護證人。最後蝴蝶夫人出 手來個突襲!選角有柬埔寨女子混合格鬥冠軍 Tharoth Sam 和法柬混血特技人 Jean-Paul Ly 助陣,還有前艷星 Céline Tran 首次拍動作片。電影 在柬埔寨大賣,掀起動作片熱潮。
Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.
Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.
Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China