Blossoms Under Somewhere 寄了一整個春天 2024 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region Free)

Blossoms Under Somewhere 寄了一整個春天 2024 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region Free)
Blossoms Under Somewhere 寄了一整個春天 2024 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region Free)
Blossoms Under Somewhere 寄了一整個春天 2024 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region Free)
Blossoms Under Somewhere 寄了一整個春天 2024 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region Free)


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Blossoms Under Somewhere 寄了一整個春天 2024 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY English Sub (Region Free)

Cast : Marife Yau,  Sheena Chan, Fruit Chan
Director : Riley Yip
Language: Cantonese 
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 97 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Screen Format :1920 x 1080 Full HD
Release Date : 2025-01-24 
Publisher : CN Entertainment 

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Ching, a secondary school girl who struggles with stuttering, begins selling the lingerie she wears online for extra pocket money, encouraged by her best friend, Rachel. As she attracts a group of regular patrons, Ching enjoys their compliments and starts chatting with them regularly. Following Rachel's suggestion, they decide to expand their business by creating a fake account posing as a flight attendant, realizing that such pants can fetch several thousand dollars online. Several patrons also request face-to-face transactions. However, during her first meeting, Ching gets her menstruation and tries to cancel. The patron pressures her to proceed, insisting on buying the stained pants, and her stuttering prevents her from saying no. Although the patron pays her an extra thousand dollars, the experience frightens Ching and exacerbates her anxiety about stuttering.

Ching grows closer to another patron, finding their conversations enlightening and his social media photos appealing. She discovers his real identity as Gabriel Lau, a university physics professor, and begins skipping classes to attend his lectures. She is increasingly attracted to him, especially by his humorous teaching style, but soon learns he is married. Despite this, Lau continues to suggest face-to-face meetings while chatting online. After discussing it with Rachel, Ching agrees to meet him, but her concerns about her stuttering resurface before the transaction. Eventually, she asks Rachel to meet Lau in her place while she observes from a distance. The meetup goes well, and Lau exchanges contact information with Rachel. They start chatting frequently and meet up to trade lingerie. After witnessing Lau treat Rachel to lunch at a hotel, Ching feels jealous. She bakes a cake and tries to find Lau at university but fails to present herself again. Lau awkwardly accepts her cake but quickly tries to leave, finding her strange. In an impulsive move, Ching pulls out her worn lingerie and attempts to gift them to Lau, triggering Lau and causing him to throw both the cake and the pants to the ground in rage.

Hurt by his reaction, Ching seeks revenge by posting photos of Lau and Rachel's meetups along with their conversation records about selling lingerie on an online forum. The post sparks backlash, revealing Lau's personal information and severely damaging his reputation. Lau desperately calls Rachel, asking why she betrays him, but she has just realized she has been victimized as well. She confronts Ching, leading to the end of their friendship. In retaliation, Lau prints Rachel's photos with defamatory slogans and displays them near her school. The next morning, the school notices the incident and gathers all students in the hall, with the discipline master demanding to check everyone's schoolbags to identify those involved. Due to Ching's stuttering, classmates exploit her inability to refuse and hide their lingerie in forbidden colours or patterns in her bag. The search produces no results, but the discipline master recognizes Rachel and confronts her. In a moment of distraction, Ching rushes out of the hall and throws her schoolbag full of pants onto the playground, laughing and reconciling with Rachel.....

女高中生許澄(邱彥筒 飾 )希望初嚐戀愛滋味,郤因天生口吃而缺乏自信,不擅交際遲遲未能如願。她與好友 Rachel (陳書昕飾)在網上經營售賣少女二手內褲生意 。熟客 Gabriel 對許澄的噓寒問暖 讓春心初動的少女逐漸美化二人關係,「客人以上,戀人未滿」。直送到付的私密青春,能讓許澄換來渴望已久的關愛嗎?這不符社會道德的買賣,是情慾的解放還是加諸少艾身上的枷鎖?