The Monk and The Gun 不丹沒有槍 2023 (Bhutan Movie) with English Sub (Region A)

The Monk and The Gun 不丹沒有槍 2023 (Bhutan Movie) with English Sub (Region A)
The Monk and The Gun 不丹沒有槍 2023 (Bhutan Movie) with English Sub (Region A)
The Monk and The Gun 不丹沒有槍 2023 (Bhutan Movie) with English Sub (Region A)
The Monk and The Gun 不丹沒有槍 2023 (Bhutan Movie) with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 4 in stock

The Monk and The Gun 不丹沒有槍 2023 (Bhutan Movie) with English Sub (Region A)

Cast : Pawo Choyning Dorji, Tandin Wangchuk , Tandin Phubz 
Director : Pawo Choyning Dorji
Language: Dzongkha
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 111mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Screen Format : 1.85:1Widescreen
Release Date : 2025-02-14
Publisher : Kam and Ronson HK

Usually ships within 5-7 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Kingdom of Bhutan, 2006. Modernization has finally arrived. Bhutan becomes the last country in the world to connect to the internet and television, and now the biggest change of all: democracy. To teach the people how to vote, the authorities organize a mock election, but the locals seem unconvinced. Traveling to rural Bhutan where religion is more popular than politics, the election supervisor discovers that a monk is planning a mysterious ceremony for the election day.

這一年,不丹變天了!這是一場沒有硝煙的「政變」——不丹國王希望國家能蛻變成民 主體系,自願捨棄王權,授命一班公務員上山下鄉舉行模擬選舉,指導一頭霧水的村民投票。一個高僧聽到消息,叫徒弟務必要在模擬選舉日帶兩把槍回來,沒有人知道他心裡盤算什麼,但覬覦著槍枝的人,可不止高僧一個……選舉日揭盅的不單是哪個候選人勝出,還有槍枝花落誰家!正在踏上民 主之路的小國小民,能成為好國好民嗎?奧斯卡提名導演巴禾才寧多治新作,第二度代表不丹衝擊奧斯卡,入選多個國際電影節,堪稱不丹電影界奇蹟!

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China