Creation Of The Gods I 封神第一部 2023 (Mandarin Movie) Blu-ray with English Sub (Region A)

Creation Of The Gods I 封神第一部 2023 (Mandarin Movie) Blu-ray with English Sub (Region A)
Creation Of The Gods I 封神第一部 2023 (Mandarin Movie) Blu-ray with English Sub (Region A)
Creation Of The Gods I 封神第一部 2023 (Mandarin Movie) Blu-ray with English Sub (Region A)
Creation Of The Gods I 封神第一部 2023 (Mandarin Movie) Blu-ray with English Sub (Region A)


$36.30 USD 
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Creation Of The Gods I 封神第一部 2023 (Mandarin Movie) Blu-ray with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Kris Phillips, Li Xuejian, Huang Bo, Yu Xia
Director : Wuershan
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1080p AVC
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 148 mins
Release Year : 2024-02-07
Publisher : Edko HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


The action revolves around a duplicitous power grab orchestrated by Lord Yin Shou (Kris Phillips a.k.a. Fei Xiang), who violently assumes the Shang throne in the capital city of Zhaoge, with the help of a mystical fox demon who possesses the body of the beautiful Su Daji (Naran) – the daughter of Yin's sworn enemy…..

《魔戒三部曲》金牌監製巴里奧斯本擔任顧問,票房直逼30億,天價特技打造奇幻視覺盛宴,改編自兩大古典巨著《封神演義》及《武王伐紂平話》又一影像絢麗神作——大商二王子殷壽(費翔 飾)帶領親手調教的質子旅和大軍出征叛亂的冀州侯蘇護,意外解除了妖狐的封印並附身於蘇護之女妲己(娜然 飾),被殷壽帶回朝歌。夜宴之上,大王子智亂神迷,拔劍弒父。殷壽即殺兄並繼承王位,卻引致天譴降臨;此時,崑崙仙人姜子牙(黃渤 飾)攜「封神榜」下凡,尋找天下共主,以期拯救蒼生,卻覺察到殷壽的兇狠殘暴而遲疑…..


Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China.