Midori The Camellia 少女椿 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
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Midori The Camellia 少女椿 2017 (Japanese Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Director : Torico
Cast : Lisa Nakamura, Shunsuke Kazama, Motoki Fukami
Language: Japanese
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Duration : 90 mins
Sound System : Dolby Digital
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Publisher : CN Entertainment
Release Date : 2018-01-26
Midori - The Camellia Girl" is an adaptation of "Shojo Tsubaki", a masterpiece manga comic written by a popular cult cartoonist, Suehiro Maruo. His retrospective world that is depicted in erotic, grotesque and sometimes bizarre manner has captured enthusiastic fans around the world.
在繁華的大都市東京,十四歲的少女阿綠(中村里砂- 飾)失去了唯一的親人,孤苦無依的她在誤打誤撞之中走進了 名為「赤貓座」的馬戲團中,就此拉開了悲慘人生的序幕。 無處可去的阿綠在馬戲團中受盡了眾人的凌辱和折磨,淪為 奴隸和傭人,日子過得苦不堪言,每一天都是地獄般的寫照。 就在阿綠快要絕望之時,侏儒魔術師出現在了馬戲團中, 出 現在了她的眼前。侏儒魔術師的出現讓快要倒閉的馬戲團重 現生機,他亦成為了馬戲團中最重要的成員。與此同時, 阿 綠在魔術師的身上找到了久違的溫暖和感情,兩人決定結婚, 雙雙逃離這充滿了痛苦的魔窟。
Region 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt
Region 3: Southeast Asia, East Asia, including Hong Kong
Region 4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
Region 5: Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Russia, Central and South Asia, Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia
Region 6: China