A Tale of Three Cities 2015 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (REGION 3)
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A Tale of Three Cities 三城記 2015 (Hong Kong Movie) DVD with English Subtitles (Region 3)
Cast : Lau Ching Wan Sean, Tang Wei, Jing Bo Ran, Chun Ho
Director : Cheung Yuen Ting
Language: Mandarin,Cantonese
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 136 mins
Disc Format : DVD9
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1 ex Surround
Screen Format : Widescreen 16:9
Release Date : 2015-03-16
Synposis :
Based on a true story, The Tale of Three Cities is a period drama war film co-directed by award-winning co-directors Mabel Cheung and Alex Law who together have the reputation on romances – with previous works of “An Autumn’s Tale” and “Echoes of the Rainbow”. Set in Anhui province, Shanghai and Hong Kong, the movie centers around two couples (starring Sean Lau Ching-wan and Tang Wei), who struggle to survive China's turbulent '40s.
這是《秋天的童話》、《歲月神偷》金像拍檔張婉婷和 羅啟銳送給香港的電影情書,故事根據上一代的真實愛情事 蹟改編。在那個動盪的四、五十年代,愛情絕對得來不易─ 一件訂情信物、一首情歌、一個約定都足以令戀人魂牽夢 縈。地下間諜房道龍(劉青雲 飾)遇上寡婦陳月榮(湯唯 飾)的愛情故事橫越了三個城市:他們在安徽相愛,在上海 分離,彼此仍堅守一個盟誓─在香港等候重聚。那夜,道龍 在港島岸邊等待接載月榮的偷渡舢舨靠岸,卻看到蛇頭為避 開水警耳目,將一個個活人丟進大海,月榮最後能否順利抵 港,與道龍開展新生活?