11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012 (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012  (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012  (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012  (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012  (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012  (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)
11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012  (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)


Availability: 2 in stock

11/25 The Day Mishima Chose His Own Fate 三島由紀夫自決之日 2012 (Documentary) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION 3)

Director : Wakamatsu Koji
Language: Cantonese 
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
Duration : 120 mins
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Sound System : Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Screen Format : Widesceen
Release Date : 2013-12-20
Publisher : Edko HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


On November 25th 1970, Yukio Mishima, one of Japan‘s greatest and most celebrated novelists, committed seppuku - the samurai warrior’s death - tearing open his belly with a ceremonial knife inside the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese Ministry of Defence. What was Mishima truly trying to express through his actions? What did he witness during his final moments? The 1960s saw an international surge of protest against the 1951 Japan-US Security Treaty. Student activism in Japan was also gaining momentum towards social change, with widespread support from farmers and laborers. It was from the ranks of these latter activists that Mishima formed his Tatenokai. Through the film, the late legendary Japanese radical filmmaker Koji Wakamatsu examines his special yet moving history.
