All U Need Is Love 總是有愛在隔離 2021 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

All U Need Is Love 總是有愛在隔離 2021 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)


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All U Need Is Love 總是有愛在隔離 2021 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

Cast: , Cheung Chilam, Tony Leung, Michael Hui, Chan Ka Lok
Director : Vincent Kok 
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : Widescreen
Sound System : Dolby True HD 7.1
Duration : 95 mins + 17 minus bonus
Release Date : 2021-12-31
Publisher : Panorama HK

Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER


On a quiet and peaceful afternoon, the Hong Kong Grande Hotel suddenly becomes the center of attention when it is suspected to be the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) orders the hotel to be sealed, forcing its guests to undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Tin and his buddies have already been staying at the hotel disguised as CDC staff, but they were actually there for 14 days of debauchery after rescuing their reclusive friend Uncle Kau from the air-tight grip of Mrs. Kau. Soon-to-be-newlyweds Judy and William are at the hotel’s Chinese restaurant with their respective parents to try out dishes for their wedding banquet, which is happening in 14 days. However, the sudden quarantine order traps them at the hotel, and their long-planned wedding banquet is now in jeopardy. Triad bosses Diesel and Thunder have come to the hotel for a powwow over who gets to dominate the protective equipment market. When they hear news of the quarantine, the two set out to escape the hotel with their minions. However, their minions manage to escape on their own, leaving the two feuding bosses to fend for themselves inside the hotel. Being isolated from the world ends up bring these quarantined people together in unexpected ways. As they bond over this difficult time, they learn to treasure what may be their final moments together.

一個風平浪靜的下午,格尼酒店突然被懷疑可能是新冠肺炎的病毒源頭,隨即被防疫中心勒令要全面封鎖,所有逗留在酒店內的客人必需接受14天強制隔離檢疫。 天哥與一班損友本來早就假扮成防疫人員,大條道理地從九嫂手上擄走被困家中多年的九叔,準備瞞著九嫂尋歡14天;一對準新人Judy與William與雙方家長本來在中菜廳試菜,為14日後的大婚之日做好萬全準備,現在卻要面臨婚禮因疫情被取消的危機;兩名古惑仔柴油與雷公本來為了獨霸市場上的防疫物資講數,一聞說封鎖消息,便連同手下一起偷走。豈料手下雖全身而退,卻遺下兩個大佬在酒店內單打獨鬥,兩個沒了手下在旁侍候的古惑仔頓成只懂嘴炮的廢人。 雖然眾人在酒店內隔離,但亦因此而令人與人之間的關係在不知不覺間拉近。大家共同渡過艱難時刻,更學會珍惜可能是最後的相處時光。


Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China