Police Story II 警察故事續集1988 (H.K Movie) Remastered with English Sub (Region A)

Police Story II 警察故事續集1988 (H.K Movie) Remastered with English Sub (Region A)
Police Story II 警察故事續集1988 (H.K Movie) Remastered with English Sub (Region A)
Police Story II 警察故事續集1988 (H.K Movie) Remastered with English Sub (Region A)
Police Story II 警察故事續集1988 (H.K Movie) Remastered with English Sub (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

Police Story II 警察故事續集1988 (H.K Movie) Remastered with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Bill Tung
Director : Jackie Chan
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : Dolby True HD 5.1
Duration : 122 mins
Release Date :  2019-01-30 
Publisher : Kam and Ronson

Usually ships within 5-8 days with TRACKING NUMBER


Even the superstar Jackie Chan does not always have things all his way. As a staff detective of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force, he does not get a medal in his busting of a drug ring. Instead, he is reprimanded by his superiors for his rash, unorthodox, although heroic methods in the capture of the drug lord, Chu Tao. This generates a revenge face-off which causes Jackie to be scolded by his boss again.

重案組便衣警探陳家駒, 雖破奇案並捕獲大毒梟朱滔歸案, 但上司卻却怪他英雄主義做事,不守紀律, 被調回軍裝. 豈料, 朱滔以患癌為藉口, 得假釋外出, 為報私仇, 加害家駒及女友亞May, 家駒還擊, 却遭上司責難. 怒憤之餘辭職,並約亞May 往泰國散心, 一切看似平靜, 在商場購物之際, 突接獲商場被放置炸彈通知, 現場警員不知所措之際, 家駒以有小火警為理由,疏散遊人, 警司趕至正想責備, 商場爆炸大火,隨後地產公司接到電話勒索, 否則全部地產物業商場將同樣爆炸, 警方得報茫無頭緒, 驃叔惟有計騙家駒協助, 但亞May 却因此和家駒感情決裂, 由於匪徒知亞May 乃家駒女友, 故俘虜亞May 要脅家駒代收勒索款項, 並於家駒身上綁了大批炸藥, 今次家駒為公為私誓必與捍匪拼死決鬥!

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China