Legend Of The Fist The Return Of Chen Zhen 精武風雲陳真 2010 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

Legend Of The Fist The Return Of Chen Zhen 精武風雲陳真 2010 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Legend Of The Fist The Return Of Chen Zhen 精武風雲陳真 2010 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Legend Of The Fist The Return Of Chen Zhen 精武風雲陳真 2010 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)
Legend Of The Fist The Return Of Chen Zhen 精武風雲陳真 2010 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)


Availability: 2 in stock

Legend Of The Fist The Return Of Chen Zhen 精武風雲陳真 2010 (H.K Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

Cast: : Donnie Yen, Shu Qi, Anthony Wong, Kurata Yasuaki
Director :  Andrew Lau
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD 
Sound System : Dolby True HD 7.1
Duration : 106 mins
Release Date : 2010-11-18
Publisher : MegaStar HK

Usually ships within 5-7 days with TRACKING NUMBER


While China is traumatized by military cliques during the Warlord Era in the 1920s, Japan has grown into the most powerful foreign national group there in Shanghai. Although the city is being torn by the Japanese, the upscale cabaret nightclub Casablanca remains a haven for a mishmash of clienteles, including the mustachioed entrepreneur Ku and the sultry singsong girl Kiki. Ku is none other than the legendary hero Chen Zhen in incognito, who single-handedly avenged his mentor*s death by killing all the Japanese at a dojo in Hongkou years ago. Disguised as a masked warrior at night, Chen now sets out to thwart the imminent Japanese invasion by rescuing as many people as he can from Japan's "assassination list."

卡卡夜總會大老闆劉爺(黃秋生飾)在賭桌上與剛由法 國來的齊天元結識,原來齊天元的真正身分就是七年前,擊 殺日本武術高手力石刪後,中鎗逃亡 的陳真(甄子丹飾)。 陳真授命混入卡卡,與華租界總巡捕黃昊龍(黃渤飾)裡應外 合,收集情報。就在這時,他遇上令男人心動的著名女哥手 Kiki(舒淇 飾),兩人的關係更是百般糾纏。為阻日軍少將 石猛在華接二連三的刺殺行動,陳真化身黑俠四出救人,一 個殺人、一個救人,陳真重燃心中怒火,負起中國人的使 命,與力石猛作出生死戰﹗